Foreword (continuation)
Alexandra Leclere has taken a similar leap of faith. Her Seeing the Dead, Talking with Spirits: Shamanic Healing through Contact with the Spirit World is a book about transformation. Writing it required great courage and a deep belief in our limitless possibilities. One of her goals is to open you to the possibilities for re-creating yourself and, in so doing, conceiving a new and better world. This book tells the story of one woman's heroic journey, the obstacles she encountered, the discoveries she made, and the doors she opened; in opening them, she empowered her core self to walk through those walls and step out onto her new path. Through telling her personal story, Alexandra also inspires the rest of us to follow. She empowers us to take our own heroic journey.
As you read Alexandra's book, I encourage you to move deep inside your own core self. I urge you to explore your dreams and to know that you have the ability to materialize them. And I exhort you to include in your personal dreams the dream that the prophecies will be realized. Together we will heal ourselves and the societies we have created; we will manifest a world our children and grandchildren will be proud to inherit.
John Perkins
Author of the New York Times bestseller Confessions of an Economic Hit Man and of books on shamanism, including Shapeshifting and The World Is As You Dream It